
The Alphonso Summer Literacy Camp was developed based on the principle that literacy skills have a linear correlation to academic success and holistic health. By coaching children in reading comprehension, language arts, and literacy skills, they are better prepared to be successful along the continuum of their education.

We want to provide this program free of cost to all enrolled children. Donating $150 will completely cover the costs of meals, materials, transportation, and extracurricular activities for a child.

Why Early Literacy is Important for Children

Beginning to stack those literacy building blocks in early childhood has several benefits for children. From education skills to emotional and social skills, implementing reading into the daily routine has profound development effects.

●One in three kids begins kindergarten without the necessary reading skills.

●Children who have read their lives early have been found to do far better in school later on compared to children who are not exposed to reading.

●Using reading, verbal communication, singing, and rhyme games have better literacy development down the road.

●Building literacy skills in early childhood allow children to learn and develop better reading skills easier later on.

Source: Importance of Early Literacy for Children | Education Article Blog (

Here are 7 benefits of early reading

  1. Brain development: Reading is like exercise for the brain! The young mind is like a sponge that absorbs knowledge and the earlier a child reads the better. It is no surprise that kids who read more are often more intelligent!
  2. Early vocabulary development:  A behavior instilled at an early age is a behavior learned for life. Exposing children to words at an earlier age introduces them to lots of new vocabulary and helps them understand how words are used in different contexts. For optimal learning, it’s also important not to overload them with too many new words at once. 
  3. Improved reading: This is one of the greatest benefits. The more words kids are exposed to by reading, the better their comprehension skills. When they read and see words they don’t understand, it’s only natural to look them up in the dictionary. When they do, they increase their vocabulary and can recognize more and more words they come across each time they read.
  4. Better writing:  Writing is a skill. As parents, we may think, “Oh he/she doesn’t intend to be a writer, so why do I need to instill early reading habits?” This mindset is wrong because, if you think about it, writing is needed in every facet of life. Whether it’s writing simple things like birthday cards or complex things like job applications in later life, knowing good words makes all the difference!
  5. Better communication: The same word can have different meanings depending on the context in which it’s used. Understanding this is important to convey what’s intended. When children are exposed to a wide range of words, including those which carry different meanings depending on their context, they can communicate better and express themselves in more ways.
  6. Creating a hobby: Why do you think kids always want to read bedtime stories? Because it’s fun for them and a soothing activity before drifting off to sleep. This could later develop into a hobby and be an outlet for their relaxation as they grow.
  7. Professional skills: It’s no secret that high proficiency in English is needed in various types of jobs and is listed as an acquired skill. Children with high proficiency in English often grow up to be better suited to high-skilled jobs and are an asset to their employers.

Source: 7 Benefits Of Early Reading | World Literacy Foundation