Alphonso Summer Literacy Camp

The Alphonso Summer Literacy Camp is a pilot program to serve students enrolled at our partner primary school located in St. Catherine, Jamaica. The program will consist of an eight-week intensive and enrichment reading curriculum featuring social-emotional learning (SEL) components for students preparing to enter grade six and complete the formally known Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT)- now called the Primary Exit Profile (PEP).

Students enrolled in the Alphonso Summer Literacy Camp will be instructed using a differentiated instruction (DI) format to increase their proficiency in literary devices, reading comprehension, language arts, and writing. Students will also participate in weekly SEL peer learning and various activities to increase protective factors. Such initiatives will include special projects on healthy boundaries, peer relationships, nutrition, physical health, and mental health among other pivotal developmental topics.

Alphonso Scholarship Fund, Inc. has a goal of offering this program at no cost to families with the additional long-term goal of offering this program to several schools across the island. Alphonso Summer Literacy Camp will be facilitated by volunteer Camp Counselors and Teachers earning a fixed stipend incentive. Instructional supplies and materials and meals will be provided to each student.

The cost of facilitating this program for one fiscal year, serving thirty students, is approximately $10,715 USD. The ASF, Inc. team thanks you for making a contribution towards our goal! We look forward to sharing the great news of our joined success through this partnership!

Alphonso Scholarships

Alphonso Scholarships advances our mission by providing financial support to students previously enrolled in the ASF Summer Literacy Camp at partner primary schools. Scholarships are awarded to students to help cover the costs associated with transitioning from primary school.

To be eligible, students must complete an application and submit any further supporting documents requested including enrollment verifications, transcripts, and school-issued invoices. For questions, please contact the Scholarship Correspondent at your school or contact our Program Director C’yhera Martin: [email protected]

Outreach Programs

ASF partners with local organizations to facilitate community health initiatives. These programs encourage community engagement and provide opportunities for students, families, and community members to work together. Organizations must meet the following requirements:

  1. Organization Eligibility
    Organizations must be nonprofit or non-governmental organizations with recognized legal status in their respective country (equal to 501(c)(3) status under the United States Internal Revenue Code).
  1. Mission eligibility
    In addition to the criteria above, eligible organizations must also operate on a not-for-profit basis and have a mission to benefit the local community that could include but is not limited to – providing relief to the poor; advancing education; improving social welfare; preserving culture; preserving or restoring the environment; promoting human rights; establishment of civil society.

Any organization not meeting the criteria outlined above for eligible nonprofit missions is ineligible for the Alphonso Scholarship Fund, Inc. monetary sponsorship. Alphonso Scholarship Fund, Inc. reserves the right to grant or deny an organization’s application or participation at any time, for any reason, and to supplement or amend these eligibility guidelines without notice. Selections are made at the sole discretion of Alphonso Scholarship Fund, Inc., and are not subject to external review. Additionally, Alphonso Scholarship Fund, Inc. reserves the right to reduce or retract an organization’s request amount if the organization is determined to abuse the program. The person completing the Monetary Sponsorship request form must be an employee or authorized representative of the Nonprofit. For more information, please contact [email protected]

Sponsorships are awarded as funds allow. Unsolicited requests will not be considered.